Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Who Are The Holy Terrors?

I feel that the definition of a few terms is necessary.

"Holy Terrors noun 1. a very troublesome child; one who is playfully mischievous; syn scamp, imp, monkey, rapscallion, rascal, scallawag. (Source, the Free Online Dictionary

2. A group of politically and religiously conservatives/radicals known for their extremely fundamentalist/evangelically "Christian" views and their powerful stranglehold on the Republican Party. Well-known "Holy Terrors" include, but are not limited to:

James Dobson, recently-retired founder and President of Focus On The Family...

Pat Robertson, former Presidential candidate and boss of the 700 Club...

and Jerry Falwell, the late founder of the Moral Majority

These so-called "Christians" are well-known for sitting in judgment, casting stones, sticking their noses into the private lives of average Americans, attempting to shred the First Amendment and break down the barrier between Church and State, and otherwise establish the U.S. as a nation of gay-bashing, misogynistic, theocratic fascist Crusaders bent on sweeping away all those icky non-Christians out there, paving the way for the Second Coming.

(Source: J.T. Benjamin's Irreverent Dictionary Of Slang And Terms).

These guys are the enemy.

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