Tuesday, August 11, 2009

...But Is It Already Too Late?

Posted by Gallup today.

Constituents Divided, Highly Partisan on Healthcare Reform. Equally split in advising Congress to vote for (35%) or against (36%) a new law

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans at this point have mixed sentiments on the issue of a new healthcare reform bill. A new Gallup Poll finds that about the same percentage (35%) would tell their congressional representative to vote for a new healthcare reform bill when Congress reconvenes in September as say they would tell their representative to vote against such a bill (36%). The rest (29%) have no opinion either way at this time.

Significantly, as late as last July 14, according to Gallup, the American public showed much more support for reform.

Majority in U.S. Favors Healthcare Reform This Year. Controlling costs a higher priority than expanding coverage
by Jeffrey M. Jones

PRINCETON, NJ -- As U.S. House leaders unveil a plan to reform the U.S. healthcare system, a USA Today/Gallup poll finds 56% of Americans in favor and 33% opposed to Congress' passing major healthcare reform legislation this year. Support for healthcare reform before the end of the year is sharply split along party lines, with 79% of Democrats in favor, compared with only 23% of Republicans.

It's unclear whether the Righties' brownshirt tactics are working on members of Congress, but they seem to be having an effect on public opionion.

Stay tuned

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