Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Santorum in 2012?

Oh, please! Pleeeeeeeeeze, Rick! Run! Run, Rick, RUN!!!

Jonathan Martin – Tue Aug 11, 8:34 pm ET
Add former Sen. Rick Santorum to the list of potential 2012 Republican presidential candidates.

POLITICO has learned Santorum will visit first-in-the-nation Iowa this fall for a series of appearances before the sort of conservative activists who dominate the state GOP’s key presidential caucuses.

The Pennsylvanian, who lost his 2006 reelection bid, will visit Iowa on October 1, appearing on a Des Moines radio talk show and speaking to a luncheon and workshop of Iowa’s Right to Life group before heading east to Dubuque, where he’ll headline a fundraiser for the conservative America’s Future Fund PAC and then speak about the future of the GOP to a public audience in the Mississippi River city.

“Your voice becomes more amplified when you go to a place like Iowa or New Hampshire,” Santorum explained in an interview Tuesday about the visit.

Like other potential White House aspirants, he insisted it was too early to consider a presidential run. But he acknowledged that he was interested in taking a higher profile in the party.

Of course, I'm referring to the former Republican Senator from the state of Pennsylvania, and not the common slang form of the word, namely:

"the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."

This is great news. The only thing better than "Santorum in 2012" is "Palin-Santorum in 2012."

Rick Santorum is one of the worst of the worst. Ridiculously homophobic, the man's main claim to fame is asserting that the legalization of gay marriage is akin to allowing bestiality and pedophilia in the bedroom. Only slightly less well known is Santorum's publicly stated positions that public education is weird, especially for single women seeking to advance themselves, and that too many women are seeking employment outside the home. The former Senator is also noted to have publicly stated that marriage isn't about love or companionship, but about making babies.

Please, Rick! Run and ensure more Democratic victories in 2012!!

Bring it on, Rick!!!

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